By plotting the GPS locations of the lions and the time spent at the same location, makes it possible locate their kill-sites.
Going to a kill-site can be very dangerous as this happens by foot and several security procedures have to be followed.
It is an obligation to bring an armed guard from the parc as the risk of encountering danger is high.
Everybody walks in a row looking carefully around for danger which can be a predator, an injured animal or even a single female elephant with her child which is very dangerous as they are quite agressive.
Once on the kill-site, the group spreads out to find the carcasse or the rest of the carcasse. After a lion-kill, the hyenas will come and take the left-overs, spreading the bones from the actual kill-site.
On one of the kill-sites we found the leftovers of a subadult female giraffe.
Quite impressive to garther all the leftovers.....
To be able to study the lion feed, all the lion feces found around the kill-site has to be collected and bagged. The bags are being transported to reserchers who will wash the feces and study the hair found in the feces.
The kill-site we were visiting here was a kill-site of a pride of 8 lions..... imagine how many bags of feces we collected...............